Creatively Stocked is an inclusive stock media marketplace for Black, Indigenous People of Color.
Our purpose is to curate access to images and video media of BIPOC. Our goal is to provide access to marketing professionals to source our images and videos at their fingertips. The development of our app will simplify the search, sharing, and posting process involved in content development while prioritizing the representation of BIPOC. Here's the problem; there is a lack of diversity and inclusion within the stock image industry. Leading businesses, creatives, government agencies, publishing companies & more to utilize images they have access to rather than the images that align with their marketing goals.

Our goal is to make sure our images are NOT lost in a sea of visuals simply by including one filter to the search.
When you search business people on the major stock image platforms, you are provided with 375,000 options to choose from. Once you add the filter of diversity only 1% of those 375,000 are BIPOC.
We are dedicated to solving that problem.