A Reflection On 2019
At the end of 2018, I was in a weird place in regards to my business. I just wrapped up an independent contracting position that drained me yet inspired me to really look at how I could grow Auden & Company. So I went into 2019 with the mission to give my business all I had by working internally to improve what we do & how we do it.
As I am writing this blog post, I really don’t have any complaints for the year 2019. I went in with the intention to grow Auden & Co, change what wasn’t working, obtain the right clients for me. I was able to do all of that. There was not one time I was discouraged by my business rather inspired to keeping grinding for the bigger picture.
I will say that the year of 2019 taught me more about my instincts as a small business owner than anything else. when I say I relied on my gut for a good chunk of my decisions, I mean I relied on instincts. My instincts have become sharper in regards to my business and I believe that is because of my willingness to fail and reflect upon those failures
Our Highs
Revenue Goal Hit: I set out to hit a certain revenue amount for Auden & Company and I was so happy when I hit it!
Launching Creatively Stocked: I set out to launch a sister company to Auden & Company that focused on highlighting people of color in a positive light within the marketing realm by giving businesses and marketers access to creative diverse stock images.
A Bomb Intern Group: If I could hire my summer intern group I would hire every single one of them! Something I started the year prior has blossomed to be an essential part of Auden & Company.
My Clients: After the year I had in 2018, I was doubting that I was going to be able to attract the clients that I wanted for my business. BUT with all of the editing & internal work I did, I ended up attracting the best clients! I loved all of the projects I worked on and I loved each client I had the pleasure of working with.
Our Lows
Less Networking: In 2019, I didn’t really network with other small business owners as I have in the previous years. As the year was coming to a close I realized how much I missed connecting with other female business owners.
Inconsistency: I was so focused on the inner operations of running my small business that I started slacking on social media postings, how much we appeared on insta-stories, our lovely blog became inconsistent. This kind of broke my heart because I put so much value in the content we post especially in regards to highlighting other business owners & educating through experience and through the blog.
Still Figuring Out The Structures: Although I feel 10x more confident in how we communicate with clients, accept payments, onboard, and manage our projects.. there is still work to do in this area, It’s my job to work through the kinks & find solutions that will work best for our business and it’s growth.
I am looking forward to sharing my 2020 intentions with you all!